Dynamical Memetization in Coral Reef Optimization Algorithms for Optimal Time Series Approximation

Authors: A.M. Durán-Rosal, P.A. Gutiérrez, S. Salcedo-Sanz and C. Hervás-Martínez

Journal: Progress in Artificial Intelligence

Volume: 8

Pages: 253 - 262

Year: 2019

Impact Factor: SJR(2019): 0.650 Position: 73/191 (Q2) Category: COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13748-019-00176-0


The huge amount of data chronologically collected in short periods of time by different devices and technologies is an important challenge in the analysis of times series. This problem has produced the development of new automatic techniques to reduce the number of points in the resulting time series, in order to facilitate their processing and analysis. In this paper, we propose a new modification of a coral reefs optimization algorithm (CRO) to tackle the problem of reducing the size of the time series minimizing the approximation error. The modification includes a memetization procedure (hybridization with a local search procedure) of the standard algorithm to improve its quality when finding a promising solution in a given searching area. The memetization process is applied to the worse individuals of the algorithm at the beginning, and only to the best ones at the end of the algorithm’s convergence, resulting in a dynamical search approach called dynamic memetic CRO (DMCRO). The proposed DMCRO performance is compared in this paper against other state-of-the-art CRO algorithms, such as the standard one, its statistically driven version (SCRO) and two different hybrid versions (HCRO and HSCRO, respectively), and the standard memetic version (MCRO). All the algorithms compared have been tested in 15 time series approximation, collected from different sources, including financial problems, oceanography data, and cardiology signals, among others, showing that the best results are obtained by DMCRO.


  title={Dynamical memetization in coral reef optimization algorithms for optimal time series approximation},
  author={Dur{\'a}n-Rosal, Antonio M and Guti{\'e}rrez, Pedro A and Salcedo-Sanz, Sancho and Herv{\'a}s-Mart{\'\i}nez, C{\'e}sar},
  journal={Progress in Artificial Intelligence},